Sunday, May 4, 2008

DS239 - The Payoff

Wow what a week in wrestling. So many things occur that some individuals like and others dislike. The only thing that we are hoping for is that everything that they set up pays off in the weeks to come. We hope you enjoy the show and until next week stay sharp.

00:00:00 - Opening DS239 May 4, 2008
00:00:06 - Murdoch sings a song
00:01:50 - News

* Backlash Recap (4:03)
* Santino DUI (15:36)
* Michael Hayes (18:06)
* Ashley gets the call (23:17)
* Petey Pump injured (26:25)
* FCW Update (27:55)
* Ron Simmons (32:07)

00:35:26 - Raw Report
01:02:23 - ECW Report
01:17:23 - TNA Impact Report
01:52:54 - Smackdown Report
02:12:17 - 141% Steiner
02:14:05 - Feedback

Episode 239 - The Payoff

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